Hello all, I arrived safely after a good flight with Turkish airlines from NY to Istambul to Nairobi. Patrick Elizabeth and Panina picked me up in the middle of the night! We drove to Molo the next day to spend mothers day with Mary and Elizabeth, Lucy, Samuel and the belle of the ball Jemima. She talks up a storm and quickly let me in to her life!
The school has changed a lot since I was here last June, a big new sign, big new gate, 2 new classrooms, new teachers, but most of all 350 children. I couldn't believe it! Can you imaging game and lunch time?? Some how it all works.
The kids are terrific as usual, some have grown so much since last year. It was great to have them greet me with such love. Most of you know how that feels!
I am so pleased Iratxe is here, I met her last year and it is fun and helpful to work together. The weather is lovely, occasional hard rain that quickly passes. Lots of other things to tell. I will also add pictures and ask other volunteers to blog when I get a chance!